
Arsip: August 2021

Go Digital Bank QNB

By administrator | August 9, 2021 | Finance.

Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk. (BKSW) posted a current year loss of IDR 578.36 billion as of the end of June 2021. The value of the loss increased 7.51 percent compared to the same period last year or year on year (yoy). Based on the financial report submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Saturday.


Sky Energy Prepares Rights Issue

By administrator | August 9, 2021 | Misc Industry.

New renewable energy (EBT) issuer PT Sky Energy Indonesia Tbk. plans to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) in September 2021. The EGMS aims to seek approval for additional capital with Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD) or rights.

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