
Arsip: March 2020

Makmur Berkah Amanda Performance Strategy

By administrator | March 29, 2020 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Makmur Berkah Amanda Performance Strategy. Amid the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19, Makmur Berkah Amanda Tbk (AMAN) still strives to optimize its performance this year. Currently, Makmur Berkah Amanda is strengthening its industrial area business.


Tobacco Company and Coronavirus COVID-19

By administrator | March 29, 2020 | Consumer Goods.

Tobacco Company and Coronavirus COVID-19. Sliced tobacco producer Indonesian Tobacco Tbk (ITIC) has received a positive impact on the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19 in.


Kimia Farma Stock Price Strengthen

By administrator | March 29, 2020 | Consumer Goods.

Kimia Farma Stock Price Strengthen. The stock price movement of Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF) lately contrasts with financial performance. Later on, KAEF share price increased.


Biography: Iswanto Amperawan President Director of PP Presisi

By administrator | March 29, 2020 | Property Real Estate.

Biography: Iswanto Amperawan President Director of PP Presisi. Nearly three decades of Iswanto Amperawan pursue a career in Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk (PTPP.


Coal Company Optimism amidst Coronavirus

By administrator | March 29, 2020 | Mining.

Coal Company Optimism amidst Coronavirus. India enters a lockdown period of 21-day to stem the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19 which has become a global pandemic. On the other hand, India became a major market for the export of Indonesia coal after.


Bumi Serpong Damai Net Profit Rises 116.28%

By administrator | March 28, 2020 | Property Real Estate.

Bumi Serpong Damai Net Profit Rises 116.28%. One of property company, Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) has increased performance throughout the 2019 both in terms of income and net.


Hantavirus as a Coronavirus 2.0

By administrator | March 25, 2020 | Finance.

Hantavirus as a Coronavirus 2.0. A man reportedly die of a hantavirus infection brought by rats in China. This incident trigger a completely unfounded hysteria or fright about the pandemic Coronavirus 2.0 on social media. The Global Times, a China government control publication, wrote a tweet about the death case on Monday.


Toll Road Traffic and Coronavirus Outbreak

By administrator | March 22, 2020 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Toll Road Traffic and Coronavirus Outbreak. The attempt to minimize the spread of a Coronavirus COVID-19 impacts the decrease in traffic on the toll roads owned by Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (JSMR IJ). Jasa Marga noticed, a decrease in the number of vehicles that passed since.


Kimia Farma Produces Chloroquine Coronavirus

By administrator | March 22, 2020 | Consumer Goods.

Kimia Farma Produces Chloroquine Coronavirus. The Government establishes the use of Chloroquine and Avigan to rescue Coronavirus COVID-19 patients. One of the medicines, which is chloroquine can be mass produce by Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF.


Biography: Adi Saputra Tedjasurya

By administrator | March 22, 2020 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Biography: Adi Saputra Tedjasurya. Although the company he leads just took the floor on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on March 13, 2020, Managing Director Makmur Berkah Amanda Tbk (AMAN IJ) Adi Saputra Tedjasurya is not new to the stock.

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