
Kategori: Finance

Woori Bank Shares’s Theoretical Price

By administrator | September 16, 2021 | Finance.

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) announced the theoretical share price of PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk. (SDRA). In the announcement with the number No. Peng-00279/BEI.POP/09-2021, the Exchange stated that the announcement of the theoretical price of the shares was based on, among others, Rule Number II-A concerning Trading in Equity Securities and appointed.


Bank Oke’s Stock Free Float

By administrator | August 31, 2021 | Finance.

PT Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk. (DNAR) explained the free float rule after announcing that it would exercise its pre-emptive rights through a limited public offering (PUT).


Bank Artha Graha’s Capital Strengthens

By administrator | August 27, 2021 | Finance.

PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk. decided not to distribute dividends from net profit for the fiscal year 2020. All of last year’s net profit was used to strengthen the company’s capital structure and business expansion. The decision is contained in the summary of the minutes of the annual general meeting of shareholders held Monday.


Bank OKE’s Free Float

By administrator | August 26, 2021 | Finance.

Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk. (DNAR) explained the free float rule after announcing that it would exercise its pre-emptive rights through a limited public offering (PUT) III. Based on the information disclosure of the Indonesia Stock Exchange on Tuesday (24/8/2021), it is known that the stock exchange authority asked for an explanation of the company’s and.


QNB Bank Management Reshuffle

By administrator | August 25, 2021 | Finance.

Annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk. (BKSW) one of which approved the change in the composition of the company’s board of directors and board of commissioners. From the information disclosure submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Monday (23/8/2021), it was stated that the AGMS approved the reshuffle.


Bank Capital’s Go Digital Process

By administrator | August 24, 2021 | Finance.

PT Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk. (BACA) is currently focusing on developing the QRIS feature and cardless transactions for this year’s digital transformation program. In the public expose material that was submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Friday (20/8/2021), it was.


MNC International Bank Rights Issue

By administrator | August 21, 2021 | Finance.

MotionBanking, a digital banking application from PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (BABP) is claimed to have extraordinary potential, due to the ability of the MNC Group’s vast ecosystem, including people who have not been touched by banking financial.


KB Bukopin’s NPL at 8.56%

By administrator | August 21, 2021 | Finance.

KB Bukopin Tbk was able to record a consolidated net profit of IDR 54.22 billion as of June 2021. This value jumped 199.61% year on year (yoy) from the same position of IDR 162.45.


Bank Bumi Arta Dividend Rp 9.24 Billion

By administrator | August 21, 2021 | Finance.

Bank Bumi Arta Tbk (BNBA) will distribute dividends from 2020 profits. This financial sector issuer will distribute dividends of Rp 9.24 billion. Each share will receive a dividend of Rp. 4. This dividend distribution has been approved at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Bank Bumi Arta on Monday.


Neo Commerce Bank General Meeting of Shareholders

By administrator | August 19, 2021 | Finance.

Bank Neo Commerce Tbk. will hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) on 20 September 2021. In the announcement of the EGMS on the Exchange quoted on Wednesday (18/8/2021), the shareholders who are entitled to attend the meeting are those whose names are recorded in the shareholder register on Friday, 27 August 2021 until.

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