
Kategori: Infrastructure Transportation

Waskita Karya Secure its Income of IDR15Trn

By administrator | November 28, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Waskita Karya, Tbk (WSKT:IJ) securing a number of revenue, or funds around IDR12Trn up to IDR15.7Trn will be in company’s cash. The income was derived from a number of contract that had previously been the company. One of these projects Batang-Semarang toll roads. The toll contract started on July 25, 2016 with a contract worth.


Adhi Karya Start to Build Elartizen Community

By administrator | November 28, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Adhi Karya, Tbk (ADHI:IJ) in the middle of developing the property based transit oriented development (TOD) project, in the points of the light rail transit (LRT) Jabodetabek or LRT City. This project is a residential solution and to society in the middle of traffic jam in the Jabodetabek area. Until now, company has developed the.


Jasa Marga Prefer to Issue Sukuk Next Year

By administrator | November 17, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Jasa Marga, Tbk (JSMR:IJ) has continued to seek alternative funding to meet the target operating 1,260 km of toll roads. One of the selected funding in the near future was to issue sukuk. Company is still need IDR60Bn to complete 1,260 km, or company will be operating a 200 km each year. On the other.


Astra Infra will Build Kertajati Access Toll

By administrator | November 15, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Astra Infra will continue doing business expansion on the toll roads. After the official owns Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Roads, company is planning to build Kertajati access toll roads. Toll access which is the addition of the Cipali Toll Roads region, is estimated reach 4km to 5km. Previously, the company has submitted plans to.


Total New Contract Worth IDR3.25Trn

By administrator | November 14, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Total Bangun Persada, Tbk (TOTL:IJ) record a new contract IDR3.25Trn until the end of October 2017. For the record, company’s new contract realization reached 81% from IDR4Trn target until the end of 2017. Some of the major projects include Thamrin nine phase 2, GOP 1.


Waskita Karya Sell Becakayu Toll Roads

By administrator | November 14, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

Waskita Karya, Tbk (WSKT:IJ) through its subsidiary, Waskita Toll Road, plans to sell 10 toll roads. One toll road that is offer is Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu (Becakayu) section. The highway along 21.5Km will be sold in one on one, or Waskita Karya will conduct exploitation directly one by one with the.


Lautan Luas Maintain its Coupon Bonds

By administrator | November 11, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

PT Lautan Luas, Tbk (LTLS IJ) will issue bonds worth IDR650bn, which is part of Shelf Registered II Public Offering with maximum value up to IDR1trn. These bond is the second tranche, as well as the first tranche worth IDR200bn already issued some time ago. The bond is positively to company, since the purposes for.


Adhi Karya Achieves New Contract IDR12Trn

By administrator | November 10, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

PT Adhi Karya (Persero), Tbk (ADHI IJ) is still optimistic could pursue the new contract target worth IDR21trn by the end of year 2017, amidst the company are still taking several tender and infrastructure projects. Until the first week of October 2017, company had pocketed new contracts amounting to IDR12trn, or 51.14% of the company’s.


Nusantara Infrastructure Prepare IDR10Trn for Toll Roads

By administrator | November 10, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

PT Nusantara Infrastructure, Tbk (META IJ) will be more aggressive in business expanding since officially controlled by Metro Pacific Investment Corporation (MPIC) through PT Metro Pacific Tolways Indonesia. Nusantara Infrastructure will prepare funds around IDR9trn to IDR10trn by the end 2018, for business development in highway projects. For the record, company never again expanding on.


Wika Beton Capital Expenditure Worth IDR470Bn

By administrator | November 10, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation.

PT Wijaya Karya Beton, Tbk (WTON IJ) or Wika Beton is already absorbing its capital expenditure to IDR470bn out of total IDR682bn in 2017. Until the end of the year, the company target obtain of revenue amounting to IDR5.1trn. While, the rest of company’s capital expenditure funds source came from the proceed of the initial.

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