
Trada Alam Minera Switched to the Mining Business

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Mining

Plan of PT Trada Alam Minera, Tbk (TRAM IJ) to change the primary focus of his business seems to be realized immediately. The reason, the company has obtained approval from its shareholders to do a capital increase through the right issue. The proceed will be used for the acquisition of coal mining company which is.


Bank BNI’s Non Collateral Credit Incrased 49.4% in 3Q17

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Finance

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (BBNI IJ)’s non collateral credit became one of the striking credit growth, recorded growth up to 49.4% on an annual basis (year on year) in 3Q17. During this period, company has been tunneling non collateral credit worth IDR15.84trn, compare to same period 2016 worth.


Garuda Indonesia’s Kupang-Dili Routes Start November

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (GIAA IJ) soon serve directs flights abroad Kupang – Dili began November 15, 2017, or charter by Timor Airways. Direct fligths linking between two cities on the Timor Island, it will be served by ATR 72 with 70 passengers with flights scheduled four times a week. The pattern of charter.


TPS Food Focus on Snack Business

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Consumer Goods

PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food, Tbk (AISA IJ) or TPS Food would like to focus on food and beverage business, amidst its divested in subsidiary in price processing. Although the share of sales of rice business contribute revenue to 55% each year, that debt financial expense suppressed the company. In addition, with a focus on.


Clipan Finance Financing IDR5.7Trn in 3Q17

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Finance

PT Clipan Finance Indonesia, Tbk (CFIN IJ) financing up to IDR5.7trn until 3Q17. The financing growth up to 124% compared to same period 2016. This means that the company has been realized of approximately 76% of the annual target, was estimated around IDR7.5trn to IDR8trn. For the record, Clipan Finance remain focused financing in used.


KRAS Supply Steel to Jakarta-Cikampek II Toll Roads

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Misc Industry

PT Krakatau Steel (Persero), Tbk (KRAS IJ) along with its affiliates, planned to supply as many as 205,000 metric tonnes of steel plate a targeted will be delivered entirely in November 2018. Currently, Krakatau Steel has supplied as much as 28,000 metric tonnes. National steel manufacturers contribute in supplies steel to the construction of a.


Waskita Negotiates its 10 Toll Roads

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation

PT Waskita Karya, Tbk (WSKT IJ) continue to explore its negotiations with a number of investors, both local or foreign, to the sale of shares in 10 toll roads which owned by company. Three toll roads will be sold in one on one to the investors, namely: Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu (Becakayu) toll roads, owned 100% by.


Moratelindo Issue Bonds Worth IDR1Trn

By administrator | November 9, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation

PT Mora Telematika Indonesia (Moratelindo) will raise fresh fund through bond issuance worth IDR1trn. While the proceeds will be used for business expanding, such as: Java Submarine, International 3rd Route, Sumatra Submarine, Fiber to the home and to the building of 1 million home pass. All project are expected to be completed in 2019. On.


Chandra Asri Stock Split 1:5

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Misc Industry

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical, Tbk (TPIA IJ) had approval from shareholders to break up the value of the shares or stock split. Approval obtained in the extraordinary general meeting shareholders on Monday, November 6, 2017. Company will stock split with a ratio of 1:5, this mean that the nominal value of the shares of Chandra.


Salim Group Acquired Nusantara Infrastructure

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation

Salim Group through its subsidiary in Philippines, namely Metro Pacific Investments will acquire the shares of PT Nusantara Infrastructure, Tbk (META IJ). Metro Pacific through its business unit, Metro Pacific Tollways has acquired 42.25% stake of META worth USD132mn so that its ownership be 47.08%. For the record, Metro Pacific will focus develop toll road.

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