
Indocement Compete in West Java

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Misc Industry

PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk (INTP IJ) still have to try hard to win the competition of cement sales in West Java. The entry of several new players with cheaper prices could be a negative catalyst that could halt the performance. For the record, the average sales price or the average selling price (ASP) the.


Bali Towerindo Get Loan to buy a Warehouse

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation

PT Bali Towerindo Sentra, Tbk (BALI IJ) has just signed a credit with PT Bank Panin, Tbk (PNBN IJ). Through this agreement, the company is obtained a fresh funds amounted to nearly IDR3bn with 3-years tenor. The funds will be used for the purchase of one unit of a company warehouse in Bizhub Serpong, Tangerang,.


Sri Rejeki Capital Expenditure up to USD30Mn

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Misc Industry

PT Sri Rejeki Isman, Tbk (SRIL IJ) estimated its capital expenditure (capex) next year needed range from USD20mn to USD30mn. The company will focus using the fund for the purpose of maintenance, or company developing organically. Next year, company planned to continue its business strategy, maximizing the utilization of production, since yarn production, weaving, finishing,.


Chandra Asri Rubber Factory Operated in 2018

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Misc Industry

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical, Tbk (TPIA IJ), is the largest and most integrated chemical player in Indonesia, intends to develop added value of the c4 mixed product to butadiene. The raw material is processed to make solution styrene butadiene rubber (SSBR) that would be absorbed tyre manufacturer. Therefore, company doing a joint venture with leading.


HD Capital Recurring Income from Minihydro

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation

PT HD Capital, Tbk (HADE IJ) would start sampling the recurring income from power plants by the year 2019. Currently, company is focus the final two power plant projects, each is targeted for completion in the year 2019 and 2020. After acquired a renewable energy provider, PT Panca Sinergi Perkasa (PSP), HD Capital will focus.


Tigaraksa Spent 63% of Capex Year 2017

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Consumer Goods

PT Tigaraksa Satria, Tbk (TGKA IJ) is already absorbing its capital expenditure (capex) worth IDR63bn until 3Q17, or 8.4% from target this year worth IDR13.3bn. The majority of capex this year transferred by lease system. Not only that, the other lease system is also applied in working tools such as laptop, computers, desktops, printers, car.


Medco Focus on Midsized Electric EBT

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Mining

PT Medco Energy International, Tbk (MEDC IJ) will only focus on power projects with a capacity of the medium. Other than that, the company will also focus on the development of new energy projects and renewable electricity such as geothermal, hydro and gas. Currently, Medco electrical business unit is divided into two, the first to.


Humpuss Work on Java 1 Floating Gas Terminal

By administrator | November 8, 2017 | Infrastructure Transportation

PT Humpus Intermoda Transportasi, Tbk (HITS IJ) has partnered with Exmar Marine NV Nicolas Saverys, invest in a floating gas terminal project Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) Gas-Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) Java 1, on October 10, 2017. During this partnership, Humpuss can get the source and unlimited sustain technology from Asian countries. For the record,.


Barito Pacific Buy Back Worth IDR200Bn

By administrator | November 7, 2017 | Misc Industry

PT Barito Pacific, Tbk (BRPT IJ) plan to buy back its stock, and will be carried out after the company pocketed the permission of the extraordinary shareholder general meeting on December 13, 2017. Barito preparing funds worth IDR200bn to buy back its 100 million of the company’s stock. The number of shares equivalent to 0.72%.


Ristia Bintang Sales Growth 347%

By administrator | November 7, 2017 | Misc Industry

PT Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati, Tbk (RBMS IJ) record its sales growth 347% to IDR41.9bn in 3Q17, from same period 2016 worth IDR9.38bn. The property industry this year is still challenging. However, its subsidiary namely PT Alam Indah Selaras is slowly but sure still able to collect performance. For the record, Alam Indah Selaras remains the.

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