
Search result for: "Net profit"

Bank Artha Graha’s Capital Strengthens

By administrator | August 27, 2021 | Finance.

PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk. decided not to distribute dividends from net profit for the fiscal year 2020. All of last year’s net profit was used to strengthen the company’s capital structure and business expansion. The decision is contained in the summary of the minutes of the annual general meeting of shareholders held Monday.


Pam Mineral’s Performance

By administrator | August 26, 2021 | Mining.

PT PAM Mineral Tbk (NICL) recorded an increase in operational performance in the first semester of 2021. Based on the spatial report, NICL recorded a profit of Rp 26.3 billion, a significant increase when compared to net profit in the first half of 2020 which still recorded a loss of Rp 1.8.


KB Bukopin’s NPL at 8.56%

By administrator | August 21, 2021 | Finance.

KB Bukopin Tbk was able to record a consolidated net profit of IDR 54.22 billion as of June 2021. This value jumped 199.61% year on year (yoy) from the same position of IDR 162.45.


Bank Bumi Arta Dividend Rp 9.24 Billion

By administrator | August 21, 2021 | Finance.

Bank Bumi Arta Tbk (BNBA) will distribute dividends from 2020 profits. This financial sector issuer will distribute dividends of Rp 9.24 billion. Each share will receive a dividend of Rp. 4. This dividend distribution has been approved at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Bank Bumi Arta on Monday.


Zyrexindo Contract worth Rp 700 Billion

By administrator | August 16, 2021 | Trade Services.

Zyrexindo Mandiri Buana Tbk (ZYRX) obtained a laptop purchase contract/agreement for sale to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek). This contract was obtained by ZYRX from two of the Company’s distributors, namely PT Intan Pariwara for 45,000 laptop units and PT Dragon Computer & Communication for 120,000 laptop units. These contracts.


Bumi Resources Minerals’s Rights Issue

By administrator | August 7, 2021 | Mining.

Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on Friday (6/8) approved the right issue plan, aka Limited Public Offering II. Meanwhile, this offer is for the purpose of increasing capital with Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD), as well as the plan for the Issuance of Warrants and the Issuance of Shares.


Aneka Gas Industri’s Business Strategies

By administrator | August 7, 2021 | Basic Industry.

The management of PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk (AGII) said that the upward trend in gas demand in the health sector is expected to continue. Therefore, his party has prepared a number of strategies to meet the demand for medical gas in the second half of this year. The President Director of Aneka Gas, Rachmat.


Transkon Jaya Expands Its Business Portfolio

By administrator | July 5, 2021 | Infrastructure Transportation.

The COVID-19 pandemic that is still ravaging has not stopped the expansion of PT Transkon Jaya Tbk (TRJA). The issuer, which is engaged in vehicle rental and internet network service provider, is still targeting a number of new contracts by expanding its portfolio of business.


Insurance Stock Recommendation

By administrator | July 1, 2021 | Finance.

Until mid-2021, several insurance issuer stocks still performed positively compared to the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI). However, liquidity problems are still the main issue that overshadows insurance issuers as a whole. Based on the performance of ten insurance issuers with the largest capitalization until the end of June 2021, there are 6 insurance stocks that.


Bumi Resources Minerals’s Rights Issue

By administrator | July 1, 2021 | Mining.

PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) plans to increase capital with pre-emptive rights or rights issue through the issuance of a maximum of 24 billion series B.

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