
CNI and Pembangunan Perumahan Build Smelter

By administrator | April 9, 2019 | Mining

Ceria Nugraha Indotama (CNI) confirm its commitment in building the factory Ferronickel (smelter). Because the company’s smelter construction, construction of the mine it will soon be started. CNI official gave credence to the smelter construction to state owned enterprise (SOE) Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), Tbk (PTPP.


Bank BRI Market Capitalization Growth Highest

By administrator | April 9, 2019 | Finance

Market capitalization of banking issuers throughout this year experience a significant improvement. Based on Bloomberg data, bank’s market capitalization is still in the hands of Bank Central Asia, Tbk (BBCA IJ) with a total of IDR678.63Trn, up 8.69% throughout the year. Followed by Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (BBRI.


Aneka Tambang Build Smelter in Mempawah

By administrator | April 9, 2019 | Mining

Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) or Inalum and Aneka Tambang (Persero), Tbk (ANTM IJ) plans to build Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery (SGAR). Through the joint venture Borneo Alumina Indonesia (BAI), both are.


BBRI Total Asset Growth Highest

By administrator | April 9, 2019 | Finance

Earlier in the year 2019 is the growth of bank assets steepened. Based on financial statements February 2019 total assets of State Owned Enterprise (SOE) banks recorded has reached IDR3,233.02Trn..


Market Expansion Push ERAA Revenue Growth 43%

By administrator | April 9, 2019 | Trade Services

Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk (ERAA IJ), notes the growth of income 43% to IDR34.7Trn all 2018. As for such growth was driven by increased.


BBCA Maintain its Credit Interest Rates

By administrator | April 5, 2019 | Finance

Bank Indonesia (BI) noted the banking credit interest rates in February 2019 is still relatively stable. The weighted average interest rate of credit reaching around 10.87%. Some kind of bank such as Bank CIMB.


BRPT Eyed on WTI Oil Price Volatility

By administrator | April 5, 2019 | Basic Industry

Fluctuations in world oil prices is enough to affect the performance of Barito Pacific, Tbk (BRPT IJ). However, analysts rate BRPT still has a bright business prospects this time of.


Solusi Bangun Indonesia Sales Growth 11%

By administrator | April 3, 2019 | Misc Industry

The cement market is still challenging at all last year. This appears from the financial performance of Solusi Bangun Indonesia, Tbk (SMCB IJ) who scored a.


Inalum Add PTBA Ownership in Year 2019

By administrator | April 2, 2019 | Mining

Indonesia Asahan Aluminium or Inalum (Persero) plans add shares of Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk (PTBA IJ). Although at this time, as holding the mining industry State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), Inalum have been grasping 65.02% share belongs to the coal.


PGAS and Pelindo III Manage LNG Teluk Lamong

By administrator | April 2, 2019 | Infrastructure Transportation

Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGAS IJ) in collaboration with Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) III or Pelindo III, through their subsidiary, manage LNG.

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