
Lower Margin Press AKR Corporindo Outlook Press

By administrator | March 16, 2019 | Mining

The rating agency Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) still set rating idAA- AKR Corporindo, Tbk (AKRA IJ) as well as its bonds i.e. Shelf Registered Bond I Year 2017 and Shelf Registered Bond I Year 2012. However, Pefindo revised AKRA rating.


High Rainfall Hit Semen Baturaja Demand in Sumatera

By administrator | March 16, 2019 | Misc Industry

Semen Baturaja, Tbk (SMBR IJ) cement demand in February 2019 down by 14.3%. The drop in demand occurred in the area of marketing, i.e. Southern Sumatera region of Lampung, Jambi, Bengkulu, and Bangka Belitung. According to SMBR President Director, Jobi Triananda Hasjim, a decrease occurred because the high rainfall season as well.


Pefindo: Bumi Serpong Damai Ratings in Level idAA-

By administrator | March 15, 2019 | Property Real Estate

Bumi Serpong Damai, Tbk (BSDE IJ), back get its ratings at level idAA- for the company, and Shelf Registered Bond Tranche I Series C Year 2012, and Shelf Registered Bond II Tranche I Series A and B Year 2016. IdAA-.


Bank Central Asia Implemented Alipay and WeChat Pay

By administrator | March 15, 2019 | Finance

Two private bank in the Bank Umum Kelompok Usaha IV (BUKU IV), i.e. Bank Central Asia, Tbk (BBCA IJ), and Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk (BNGA IJ) are ready to acquire China origin digital.


Bank Permata Asset Quality Increased Since 2017

By administrator | March 15, 2019 | Finance

Rating agency Moody’s Investors Service affirmed the Baa3 rating for Bank Permata, Tbk (BNLI IJ) local deposits, and long-term foreign currency which showed the stable.


Bank Mandiri Infrastructure Credit IDR182Trn until January 2019

By administrator | March 15, 2019 | Finance

Bank Mandiri, Tbk (BMRI IJ) extend infrastructure credit distribution. The bank viewed the prospect of financing in this sector is still pretty well. The realization of the infrastructure.


Surya Citra Media Maintain Market Share of 33.2%

By administrator | March 14, 2019 | Trade Services

Surya Citra Media, Tbk (SCMA IJ) focus on to keep close to the current market share. President Director of Elang Mahkota Teknologi, Tbk (EMTK IJ), Sutanto Hartono, parent’s of SCMA.


Bank Rakyat Indonesia Investment Credit Grew 11.8% in 2019

By administrator | March 14, 2019 | Finance

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (BBRI IJ) started the distribution his credit earlier in the year. President Director of Bank Rakyat.


John Riady the New Leader of Lippo Karawaci

By administrator | March 13, 2019 | Property Real Estate

Issuers property of Lippo Group, Lippo Karawaci, Tbk (LPKR IJ) conducts a thorough strategic transformation to recapitalized its company. One of.


Elang Mahkota Teknologi Divest its Asset To Surya Citra Media

By administrator | March 12, 2019 | Trade Services

Elang Mahkota Teknologi, Tbk (EMTK IJ) plans to transfer a number of its assets to one of the subsidiary, Surya Citra Media, Tbk (SCMA IJ). As of January 31, 2019, the composition EMTK of stock ownership in SCMA up 60.87%. Citing on.

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