
Infrastructure Projects Support KHI Pipe Industries

By administrator | July 23, 2018 | Misc Industry

KHI Pipe Industries, a subsidiary of Krakatau Steel, Tbk (KRAS.IJ), continued to supply the needs of the pipeline nationwide. KHI Pipe Industries is optimistic its business would grow significantly in this year, since the.


Hexindo’s Heavy Equipment Sales Increase 13.4% in 1Q18

By administrator | July 23, 2018 | Infrastructure Transportation

Hexindo Adiperkasa, Tbk (HEXA:IJ) able to sell 450 units of heavy equipment along the 1Q18. The number rose 13.4% if compared to the same period last year as much as 397 units of heavy equipment. This year, company target can sell 2,000.


USD Strengthening Support The Performance Of Paper Issuers

By administrator | July 21, 2018 | Misc Industry

Paper industry performance prospects are still promising despite a steady rupiah weakened against the US dollar (USD). Issuers issuers such as Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, Tbk (INKP.


Metropolitan Land Books IDR1.19Trn in Marketing Sales

By administrator | July 20, 2018 | Property Real Estate

Metropolitan Land, Tbk (MTLA:IJ) booked IDR1.19Trn in 1H18 marketing sales, including IDR246Bn in recurring revenue. This is in line with the company’s target in FY18 for marketing sales and recurring income of IDR2Trn (+11% YoY) from FY17 realization at.


Bank Mandiri Prepares IDR2Trn for its Subsidiary Capital Injection

By administrator | July 20, 2018 | Finance

Bank Mandiri, Tbk (BMRI:IJ) is planning to increase its subsidiary capital amounting to IDR1-2Trn in 2018. The company plans to increase capital to its three subsidiaries, which are Bank Mantap, Mandiri Utama Finance, and Mandiri Capital Indonesia that have been doing business expansion and need additional.


Jaya Real Property Injects IDR33.74Bn Capital to Jakarta Tollroad

By administrator | July 20, 2018 | Property Real Estate

Jaya Real Property, Tbk (JRPT:IJ) increases capital amounting to IDR33.74Bn to Jakarta Tollroad Development, a subsidiary of Jaya Real Property who’s currently developing six toll roads in Jakarta. The company absorbs 5,143 series C shares of Jakarta Tollroad at IDR6,562,254/share. Furthermore, these six toll roads need IDR40Trn investments, whereas.


Mitra 10 to Enter Eastern Indonesia market

By administrator | July 20, 2018 | Trade Services

Catur Sentosa Adiprana, Tbk (CSAP:IJ) keeps expanding their sales network through opening new stores in Eastern Indonesia. The company plans to open three new stores in Sulawesi, two of which will be located in Manado and.


Barito Pacific to Rights Issue

By administrator | July 19, 2018 | Basic Industry

Barito Pacific, Tbk (BRPT:IJ) is planning to issue new shares as one of the fund alternatives for petrochemical factory development owned by Chandra Asri Petrochemical, Tbk (TPIA:IJ) in Cilegon. This factory needs USD4.5-5Bn investments, and the company plans to use equity and loans. However, the company will not conduct rights issue this.


Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Failed to Pay its Coupon

By administrator | July 19, 2018 | Consumer Goods

Tiga Pilar Sejahtera, Tbk (AISA:IJ) has confirmed not to pay its coupon due today. In the statement, the management stated that the company’s cash position as of 1H18 is not sufficient to pay its coupon payable from the bonds and.


Pembangunan Perumahan Booked IDR17.6Trn of New Contract

By administrator | July 19, 2018 | Property Real Estate

Pembangunan Perumahan, Tbk (PTPP:IJ) managed to get a new contract IDR17.6Trn or equivalent to 35.8% of the company’s target, declined 12.8% YoY from IDR20.2Trn in 1H17. Currently, the company holds 18% of consortium of Patimban Port development with contract value of.

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