
Siam Cement Group Acquires 9.09% of Catur Sentosa Adiprana

By administrator | July 17, 2018 | Misc Industry

SCG Retail Holding Company Limited officially acquires 9.09% of Catur Sentosa Adiprana, Tbk (CSAP:IJ) through private placement scheme. SCG Group purchased 405.3Mn shares at IDR800/share. Through this corporate action, Catur Sentosa will receive additional IDR324Bn funds. The entry of SCG retail to the.


Sentul City is Rated B2 by Moody’s

By administrator | July 17, 2018 | Property Real Estate

Sentul City, Tbk (BKSL:IJ) is rated B2 with stable outlook by Moody’s. According to Moody’s, the company has a strategic and relatively cheap land bank that will put the company as a beneficiary of infrastructure development and can support the company’s sales growth for the next 12-18 months. As of 30 June 2018, the.


Pulp and Paper Company’s Stock Price Rise Sharply

By administrator | July 17, 2018 | Misc Industry

Pulp and paper’s industry in Indonesia has the potential to growth, along with the paper’s needs remaining high, post the policy of reduction in the use of plastics waste once. The stock price of Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, Tbk (INKP IJ) managed to.


Antam Gold Sales Increases 385% YoY in 1H18

By administrator | July 16, 2018 | Mining

Aneka Tambang, Tbk (ANTM:IJ) recorded an increase in gold sales to 385% YoY to 13.1 tonnes in 1H18, compared to 1H17 of 2.7 tonnes. Jump in their gold sales driven by the company’s market development strategy amid low gold prices, In addition, Antam’s ferronickel production also increases by 33% YoY to 12,400 kilograms (kg) in.


Kino Indonesia Targets 35% YoY Net Income Growth in 2018

By administrator | July 16, 2018 | Consumer Goods

Kino Indonesia, Tbk (KINO:IJ) is targeting 10% YoY revenue and 35% YoY net income in FY18, amounting to IDR3.48Trn and IDR148.9Bn, respectively. The company is planning to implement various strategies in order to meet these targets, some of which are changing their distribution system, personal.


Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Gain USD5.2Bn Investment Loan

By administrator | July 16, 2018 | Mining

Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) gained USD5.2Bn loan offer that comes from 11 local and foreign banks. The offerings including to help finance the purchase of Freeport’s Grasberg mine stake, the management.


Sido Muncul Targets 10% YoY Sales Growth in 2018

By administrator | July 16, 2018 | Consumer Goods

Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul, Tbk (SIDO:IJ) is confident to book 10% YoY sales growth in FY18. To meet this target, the company is planning to launch soft capsule product for Tolak Angin and Tolak Linu that will be launched in September 2018 and to operate new factory with capacity to 200m.


Summarecon to Strengthen Investment in Property Business

By administrator | July 16, 2018 | Property Real Estate

Summarecon Agung, Tbk (SMRA:IJ) plans to strengthen its property business portfolio. The company is planning to develop La Piazza as shopping and apartments, located in Central Kelapa Gading. The company also plans to launch residential property product in Bekasi and.


Bank BCA to Collaborate with Avaya

By administrator | July 13, 2018 | Finance

Bank Central Asia, Tbk (BBCA:IJ) plans to collaborate with Avaya to provide digital services in the bank’s 5 contact center with more than 1,500 agents. the bank stated that 97% of its transactions come from internet banking and only 3% comes from the.


Sinergi Indah Internusa Targets 191% YoY Revenue Growth in 2018

By administrator | July 13, 2018 | Trade Services

Sinergi Indah Internusa, Tbk (NUSA:IJ) is optimist to book IDR24.79Bn for its FY18 revenue (+191% YoY) from its FY17 revenue of IDR8.5Bn. The company even targets for higher revenue of IDR218Bn in FY18 (+780% YoY) and IDR325Bn in revenue for.

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