Waskita Karya, Tbk (WSKT:IJ) through its subsidiary Waskita Karya Realty increases its share capital to Waskita Modern Realty. Through this, Waskita Karya still controls 240.76 Mn shares or 60% of Waskita Modern Realti’s shares which amounted to IDR240.76Bn, whereas the remaining 40% of Waskita Modern.
Read More...Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk (BBNI:IJ) lending has improved slightly compared to same period a year ago. The company maintains loan growth estimate at 13%-15% YoY in 2018, and seeks to adjust deposit rate, in line with recent hike of Bank Indonesia’s policy.
Read More...Bank Bukopin, Tbk (BBKP:IJ) plans to hold right issue by issuing 2.73Bn new shares at IDR570/shares. The prospectus stated that the majority shareholder, Bosowa Corporation will not take part in the right issue while KB Kookmin Bank will act as standby buyer and should purchase.
Read More...Perusahaan Gas Negara, Tbk (PGAS:IJ) has officially acquired 51% of Pertamina Gas (Pertagas)’s shares after signing conditional sales purchase agreement (CPSA) on June 29, 2018. According to Deputy of Mining Services Business, Strategy Industry, and.
Read More...Indomobil Sukses International, Tbk (IMAS:IJ) has allocated IDR2Trn capital expenditure in FY18 from FY17 realization of IDR1.34Trn. In 1Q18, the company’s capital expenditure realization has reached IDR601Bn. Capital expenditure will be allocated for new marketing network development and existing network.
Read More...Aneka Gas Industri, Tbk (AGII:IJ) is targeting its sales to grow by 10%-15% YoY in FY18, compared to FY17 sales realization of IDR1.83Trn. This target was supported by additional facility of gas filling station and trend in market.
Read More...Gajah Tunggal, Tbk (GJTL:IJ) is planning to increase exports to several countries as rupiah depreciates. The company is confident to penetrate European market due to tax antidumping regulation form China. Moreover, according to the company, they.
Read More...Indo-Rama Synthetics, Tbk (INDR:IJ) targets to increase its production capacity to 20% or equal to 55,000 tonnes/year until 2020. According to the management, the company’s factory utilization has already reached 100%, therefore the company needs to add polyester production capacity. The company plans to develop its factory through two.
Read More...Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk (AMRT:IJ) recorded 7% YoY growth in 2018 festive season. The company counts festive season for eleven weeks which ended two weeks after Lebaran. This festive growth through giving promotions related to.
Read More...The development of e-commerce and global business prospects encouraging industry manufacturers of paper, make Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, Tbk (INKP IJ) and Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia, Tbk (TKIM IJ) are benefiting from the growth in global demand. For the record, the.