
Two Salim Group’s Issuers will Release Bonds

By administrator | February 20, 2017 | Consumer Goods.

Salim Group’s issuer, including Indomobil Finance Indonesia (the subsidiary of Indomobil Sukses Internasional, Tbk (IMAS IJ)), will release bonds to raise funds. Indomobil Finance will release Continuous Bond II Indomobil Finance Indonesia with fixed interest rate Phase IV Year 2017 with a principal value of IDR400bn. This issuance is part of Bond II Indomobil Finance Indonesia with a maximum ceiling of IDR3trn. The bonds will be divided to four series namely seri A to D. The A, B, C, and D coupons will be ranging at 7.75%-8.50%, 8.25%-9%, 8.5%-9.25%, and 9%-10%, respectively. Another Salim Group’s issuer, Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk (INDF IJ) also has revealed its plan to issue bonds to IDR2trn and would be allocated to refinancing purpose. INDF is planning to refinance its debts, which will mature in this year. INDF’s bonds worth IDR2trn will mature on 31 May 2017. Those are the rupiah Bond VI Year 2012 with five year tenor and with fixed interest rate at 7.25% per year.

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